Thursday, September 24, 2009

Believer's when you do not feel like praying, should you just not pray?

Asked on yahoo answers.
Believer's when you do not feel like praying, should you just not pray?
Have you been there? I have. What does it mean when Believers do not feel like praying? What should they do about it?I am a Spirit filled Christian

My reply:
There is no such thing as a non-catholic Christian. To be spirit filled or sealed with the Holy Spirit means having received the Holy Spirit via the Sacrament of confirmation, as we have outlined for all in the Gospels.The Gospels are the story of the foundation and early formation of the kingdom of God/Heaven on earth -- the Catholic church. Understood in this context then the Gospels make perfect sense. Outside of that context they are nonsensical. As your question and profile would infer understand nothing of Jesus the Gospels or His mission. This in itself would be no sin. Except that you shout to world that you see and know the truth.As to your question, if you were truly "spirit filled" and not just mouthing words you've heard from others, I've been there, you would know that you're entire life and everything that you do is prayer. Those moments we spend within the closet and the closet Jesus was speaking about is within our hearts it is not a physical place, are special moments of prayer, and yes we should set them aside and even go through the motions, during those times in which we walk through a spiritual desert.There is nothing new under the son these things were addressed long before Luther, or Billy Graham, or Chuck Smith who's Calvary Chapel movement I had been associated with.They have been addressed by some to the great Christian mystics. And please don't misunderstand this term most protests see mysticism as euphemism for "magic", what I am talking about is the true meaning of the word which has to do with just what you claim the in dwelling of the spirit of God. I am the vine and you are he branches, abide in me and I in you -- this is mysticism. St. Justine was probably the first, if we do not count the 1st generation of bishops, who were selected by our lord form the beginning of time for these great graces and of course inherited their mysticism by there very closeness to the messiah during the messianic era or epoch. We are now of course in the end times epoch where we have what Jesus left us and which we catholics have outlined in the bible we wrote.Other great mystics like Catherine of Sienna and St. John of the cross wrote about these times of spiritual darkness and desert.But no it doesn't mean we stop praying a true Christian's entire life is prayer, whether it be physical action as when St. Francis would come into town find the church and if he found it unkempt to sweep it, etc. .. this is prayer. sitting in front of Our Lord present in the blessed sacrament is prayer, working can be prayer, contemplating the great mysteries, for example Jesus Himself as fully human and fully God not half one and half the other or one day one and one day the other but fully God and fully human. to contemplate this great mystery, which being divine we will never understand, is prayer. Or contemplating Blessed Mother, what it must have been like for her to have been chosen from the beginning of time to have assented to God's plan, and to have at that moment to have been touched by the Holy Spirit, to have been loved by the Holy Spirit in such a way that her egg was fertilized by the holy spirit's love -- this special relationship and here sinlessness, her success in drafting the devil where Eve had failed, her fore shadowing in the old testament and her description in the book of revelation, her role as mother of us all, her many apparitions in this epoch as stand in for her son, because when Jesus comes again that is the end, so she comes to warn and encourage us. These are awesome to contemplate and thus prayer.Or Jesus speaking to St. Faustina of His Divine mercy -- the hour of mercy at 3:00pm each day.I feel somewhat as Jesus must of felt when talking to Nicodemus. You call yourself a Christian, but you do not know even these basic things -- this is Christianity 101.How on earth can you be Spirit Filled if you have never partaken of the Eucharist? I mean what on earth are you babbling about?If you are truly interested in learning the truth then try the below site.

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