Posted without comment.
Fred Celio
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 2:35 PM
subject: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Archbishop Chaput,
Evil men who would put on a collar in order to abuse and those who would protect them or hide the truth or do anything but hand them over to the authorities need to be weeded out not bailed out.
Childhood sexual abuse is a profound evil as evil as abortion.
CSA is a staple of satanic ritual as is human sacrifice of children right here in the USA.
"Monsignor William Lynn's attorneys posted 10-percent of the $250,000 bail, which was set after an appeals court overturned his conviction last week.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia also "assisted" with providing the bail, spokesman Ken Gavin"
Jesus Prophesied this scandal in Matt 18.
If Monsignor William Lynn is not responsible for the cover up then turn yourself in. Reflect on the whole of Matt 18.
An ontological change must take place within the Church one that supports the survivors 100% not the perpetrators. Turn them over to the authorities. To not do this is to support evil within the Church, to cover up is to support evil within the Church, and it hurts the vast majority of holy men who minister to us all, those men who honor their collar. The ones you are supposed to be leading.
Turn the evil men posing as priests over to the civil authorities. It is as simple and as black and white as this.
Oh, while your at it, reign in Bill Donahue of the Catholic League.
Pax Christi,
Fred Celio
A bit of my own story appears below
btw it was a Catholic Priest Monsignor O'Brien of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Clovis, Ca who put a stop to my abuse.
to: shepherd
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:03 PM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Archbishop Chaput,
Your Eminence, my apologies for my familiarity of tone in my previous email.
Respectfully Yours,
Fred Celio.
Archbishop Charles Chaput
to: Fred Celio
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:38 PM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Fred, the superior court found the Msgr. Lynn did not break the law and that is simply what the bail is about. I am sure that you would want your family to help you in that same way.
I assure you that we spend much more money on helping abuse victims and much more money helping the poor than in helping Msgr. Lynn's family to post bail.
There always needs to be Christina charity on all sides. There is no coverup or anything like that going on here.
God bless you in every way in the new year ahead.
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput,,,
"Fr. Paul G"
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 11:58 PM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Childhood Sexual Abuse is an evil as profound as abortion. One kills a child in the womb. The other buries a child alive.
Archbishop Chaput's (Staff)
Your Eminence, again please forgive my tone of familiarity and the informal form of my email. I do feel I have some legitimate concerns and insight.
Although, I do realize that matters of finance and administration are important,
these were not my reason for originally writing to you.
My concern is with an ontology that pervades regarding abuse, particularly childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Specifically a view that would cause our pastors to as in your response mention abusers or perpetrators and the men who shield them to be mentioned first in your response. This exemplifies a view point that is dominant. One in which the abuser, the perpetrator, receives focus, care and attention that is undeserved.
I am familiar in a general way with the case regarding Monsignor William Lynn. I understand that he is not accused of abuse but of transferring a priest who was accused of CSA without informing the civil authorities. I further understand that the priest that Monsignor Lynn transferred was accused of CSA by two individuals,one of whom received a cash settlement from the Archdiocese. Also, I understand that a lower court convicted Monsignor Lynn for not informing the civil authorities and turn the priest over to them, and that the conviction was over turned by the state appeals court. Further the Philadelphia district attorney according to the media is going to take the case to the next level. I have come to understand, Your Eminence has had no involvement in the wrongdoing. Please accept my apology for my previous implication based on a false assumption on my part. According to the media report I read, these events occurred under the pastoral tenure of Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua.
My concern is with the pervasive view within the Church and society that allows abuse to continue to occur and actually supports and promotes molestation.
This view focuses attention on the perpetrator, the salacious nature of the crime, the sensationalism of the media, punishment or avoiding punishment, and cash settlements to the survivors. To me this is more than an errant view point, it is ontological and reigns within humanity..
The more moral perspective, the more Christ like perspective is one in which the survivor and the trauma they have suffered has the focus, and all other concerns are secondary. This is the Christian ontological perspective and is based on scripture and the Church's unique fulfillment of Christ. If in Christ the old law or testament is fulfilled then it is withing the Church and only within the Church that Christ is fulfilled. . Thus the shift in ontological perspective outlined by Our Lord in Matt 18 must manifest in the Church if the Church is to retain what I have just described.
Some examples of the shift in perspective that I am describing is that Childhood sexual abuse is evil. Not deviant behavior, not morally wrong not illegal activity,not shameful, not even morally reprehensible, but an evil as profoundly evil as abortion. ,Men do not become priests and then somehow are overcome with an inclination to pedophilia which may or may not have previously existed -- this point of view supports the current paradigm that in turn supports abuse by reducing it from what it is -- evil -- to a sexually deviate pre-disposition. Childhood Sexual Abuse is an evil act of violence against a child that takes a sexually form. It is an attempt by the powers of darkness to steal the soul of a child by corrupting the child's image and likeness of Our Lord -- his/her inner self, spirit and EGO (seat of hopes dreams and aspirations created as part of the child by God). You may be tempted here to label me as a crackpot etc. So be it.
I am an incest survivor. Between the ages of 4 and 9 I existed solely for the sexual pleasure of the adults in my life. My maternal grandparents and my parents all sexually abused me multiple times. My healing is based on uncovering the truths I have described above and living in the reality of these truths.
My main therapeutic at this time are meetings of Survivors of Incest Anonymous. As an attending I listen to others which helps me to reflect on my own experiences which I share at these meetings and publicly. By thus remembering and expressing every detail of my own experience, I am able to absorb the truth and thus become whole, that is, heal my inner self and ego that were corrupted by the abuse. These remain intact within the child who existed prior to the abuse. This is the therapeutic in general. It is important to remember that I am not a bad person nor do I have a disorder. I am a normal, moral person of high character, who has experienced abnormal traumatic events.
Thus in Catholic terms my therapeutic is nothing more than exposing the truth to the light.
I can further tell you, while honoring the confidentiality of group members that CSA is a staple of Satanic ritual in the United Sates.
With regard to my family as you mentioned above, no I do not want anything from my family. I have been divorced from my family of origin for 18 months now, and it is going well. My family of origin as is typical presents an image to the outside world of normalcy. I will no longer be a part of this facade which is designed to protect the perpetrators at the expense of the survivors.
They are supported in maintain this perception to the outside world of normalcy by the ontological view point that I have outline that is pervasive. They protect the perpetrator at the expense of the survivor. They do so by hiding the truth, and presenting an image of normalcy to the world. It is this lie that I will no longer participate in.
Again, what I am interested in the Church taking it's leadership role in changing the perceptive that supports the perpetrator at the expense of the survivor.
With regard to Monsignor Lynn, the Church should not be supporting the defense of a man who attempted to hide the wrong doing of evil men who become priests in order to have access to children. Additionally since the court attempted to apply a law retroactively to Monsignor Lynn's actions the appeal by the DA will probably fail. This does not absolve the Church from responsibility. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard.
Acknowledging the evil nature of CSA, the Archdiocese should recognize the wrongdoing of Monsignor Lynn and leave him to the civil authorities, without participating in his defense.
Pax Christ,
Fred Celio
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput,,,
"Fr. Paul G"
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:09 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Childhood Sexual Abuse is an evil as profound as abortion. One kills a child in the womb. The other buries a child alive.
Archbishop Charles Chaput
to: Fred Celio
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:09 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Fred, we have to respect every person's human rights and no one should be treated as secondary.
Christian charity and justice demand this. Helping everyone does not undermine anyone.
God Bless you.
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:27 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
You have no idea what Im talking about do you? No evil men should not be supported. Particularly not in the Church that Jesus founded. You're on the won side, simple enough for you to grasp. Support the survivor not the perpetrators, again have put it in simple enough terms for you!
Pax Christi,
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput,,,
"Fr. Paul G"
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:45 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
It is ridiculous that Protestants would understand this before the office of Your Eminence.
Next time you see the Archbishop or forward this to him ask him this and forward his answer,
Your Eminence, "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?" If there were one question I could ask his Eminence that would be it. The diocese and the world await his answer.
I will not lie down
I will not go quietly
I will not submit
I will not roll over
I will not comply
I will not sit down
I will not shut up
Pax Christi,
Fred Celio
God bless you.
Fred Celio
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 2:35 PM
subject: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Archbishop Chaput,
Evil men who would put on a collar in order to abuse and those who would protect them or hide the truth or do anything but hand them over to the authorities need to be weeded out not bailed out.
Childhood sexual abuse is a profound evil as evil as abortion.
CSA is a staple of satanic ritual as is human sacrifice of children right here in the USA.
"Monsignor William Lynn's attorneys posted 10-percent of the $250,000 bail, which was set after an appeals court overturned his conviction last week.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia also "assisted" with providing the bail, spokesman Ken Gavin"
Jesus Prophesied this scandal in Matt 18.
If Monsignor William Lynn is not responsible for the cover up then turn yourself in. Reflect on the whole of Matt 18.
An ontological change must take place within the Church one that supports the survivors 100% not the perpetrators. Turn them over to the authorities. To not do this is to support evil within the Church, to cover up is to support evil within the Church, and it hurts the vast majority of holy men who minister to us all, those men who honor their collar. The ones you are supposed to be leading.
Turn the evil men posing as priests over to the civil authorities. It is as simple and as black and white as this.
Oh, while your at it, reign in Bill Donahue of the Catholic League.
Pax Christi,
Fred Celio
A bit of my own story appears below
btw it was a Catholic Priest Monsignor O'Brien of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Clovis, Ca who put a stop to my abuse.
to: shepherd
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:03 PM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Archbishop Chaput,
Your Eminence, my apologies for my familiarity of tone in my previous email.
Respectfully Yours,
Fred Celio.
Archbishop Charles Chaput
to: Fred Celio
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 3:38 PM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Fred, the superior court found the Msgr. Lynn did not break the law and that is simply what the bail is about. I am sure that you would want your family to help you in that same way.
I assure you that we spend much more money on helping abuse victims and much more money helping the poor than in helping Msgr. Lynn's family to post bail.
There always needs to be Christina charity on all sides. There is no coverup or anything like that going on here.
God bless you in every way in the new year ahead.
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput,,
"Fr. Paul G"
date: Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 11:58 PM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Childhood Sexual Abuse is an evil as profound as abortion. One kills a child in the womb. The other buries a child alive.
Archbishop Chaput's (Staff)
Your Eminence, again please forgive my tone of familiarity and the informal form of my email. I do feel I have some legitimate concerns and insight.
Although, I do realize that matters of finance and administration are important,
these were not my reason for originally writing to you.
My concern is with an ontology that pervades regarding abuse, particularly childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Specifically a view that would cause our pastors to as in your response mention abusers or perpetrators and the men who shield them to be mentioned first in your response. This exemplifies a view point that is dominant. One in which the abuser, the perpetrator, receives focus, care and attention that is undeserved.
I am familiar in a general way with the case regarding Monsignor William Lynn. I understand that he is not accused of abuse but of transferring a priest who was accused of CSA without informing the civil authorities. I further understand that the priest that Monsignor Lynn transferred was accused of CSA by two individuals,one of whom received a cash settlement from the Archdiocese. Also, I understand that a lower court convicted Monsignor Lynn for not informing the civil authorities and turn the priest over to them, and that the conviction was over turned by the state appeals court. Further the Philadelphia district attorney according to the media is going to take the case to the next level. I have come to understand, Your Eminence has had no involvement in the wrongdoing. Please accept my apology for my previous implication based on a false assumption on my part. According to the media report I read, these events occurred under the pastoral tenure of Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua.
My concern is with the pervasive view within the Church and society that allows abuse to continue to occur and actually supports and promotes molestation.
This view focuses attention on the perpetrator, the salacious nature of the crime, the sensationalism of the media, punishment or avoiding punishment, and cash settlements to the survivors. To me this is more than an errant view point, it is ontological and reigns within humanity..
The more moral perspective, the more Christ like perspective is one in which the survivor and the trauma they have suffered has the focus, and all other concerns are secondary. This is the Christian ontological perspective and is based on scripture and the Church's unique fulfillment of Christ. If in Christ the old law or testament is fulfilled then it is withing the Church and only within the Church that Christ is fulfilled. . Thus the shift in ontological perspective outlined by Our Lord in Matt 18 must manifest in the Church if the Church is to retain what I have just described.
Some examples of the shift in perspective that I am describing is that Childhood sexual abuse is evil. Not deviant behavior, not morally wrong not illegal activity,not shameful, not even morally reprehensible, but an evil as profoundly evil as abortion. ,Men do not become priests and then somehow are overcome with an inclination to pedophilia which may or may not have previously existed -- this point of view supports the current paradigm that in turn supports abuse by reducing it from what it is -- evil -- to a sexually deviate pre-disposition. Childhood Sexual Abuse is an evil act of violence against a child that takes a sexually form. It is an attempt by the powers of darkness to steal the soul of a child by corrupting the child's image and likeness of Our Lord -- his/her inner self, spirit and EGO (seat of hopes dreams and aspirations created as part of the child by God). You may be tempted here to label me as a crackpot etc. So be it.
I am an incest survivor. Between the ages of 4 and 9 I existed solely for the sexual pleasure of the adults in my life. My maternal grandparents and my parents all sexually abused me multiple times. My healing is based on uncovering the truths I have described above and living in the reality of these truths.
My main therapeutic at this time are meetings of Survivors of Incest Anonymous. As an attending I listen to others which helps me to reflect on my own experiences which I share at these meetings and publicly. By thus remembering and expressing every detail of my own experience, I am able to absorb the truth and thus become whole, that is, heal my inner self and ego that were corrupted by the abuse. These remain intact within the child who existed prior to the abuse. This is the therapeutic in general. It is important to remember that I am not a bad person nor do I have a disorder. I am a normal, moral person of high character, who has experienced abnormal traumatic events.
Thus in Catholic terms my therapeutic is nothing more than exposing the truth to the light.
I can further tell you, while honoring the confidentiality of group members that CSA is a staple of Satanic ritual in the United Sates.
With regard to my family as you mentioned above, no I do not want anything from my family. I have been divorced from my family of origin for 18 months now, and it is going well. My family of origin as is typical presents an image to the outside world of normalcy. I will no longer be a part of this facade which is designed to protect the perpetrators at the expense of the survivors.
They are supported in maintain this perception to the outside world of normalcy by the ontological view point that I have outline that is pervasive. They protect the perpetrator at the expense of the survivor. They do so by hiding the truth, and presenting an image of normalcy to the world. It is this lie that I will no longer participate in.
Again, what I am interested in the Church taking it's leadership role in changing the perceptive that supports the perpetrator at the expense of the survivor.
With regard to Monsignor Lynn, the Church should not be supporting the defense of a man who attempted to hide the wrong doing of evil men who become priests in order to have access to children. Additionally since the court attempted to apply a law retroactively to Monsignor Lynn's actions the appeal by the DA will probably fail. This does not absolve the Church from responsibility. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard.
Acknowledging the evil nature of CSA, the Archdiocese should recognize the wrongdoing of Monsignor Lynn and leave him to the civil authorities, without participating in his defense.
Pax Christ,
Fred Celio
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput,,
"Fr. Paul G"
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:09 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Childhood Sexual Abuse is an evil as profound as abortion. One kills a child in the womb. The other buries a child alive.
Archbishop Charles Chaput
to: Fred Celio
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:09 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
Fred, we have to respect every person's human rights and no one should be treated as secondary.
Christian charity and justice demand this. Helping everyone does not undermine anyone.
God Bless you.
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:27 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
You have no idea what Im talking about do you? No evil men should not be supported. Particularly not in the Church that Jesus founded. You're on the won side, simple enough for you to grasp. Support the survivor not the perpetrators, again have put it in simple enough terms for you!
Pax Christi,
Fred Celio
to: Archbishop Charles Chaput,,
"Fr. Paul G"
date: Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:45 AM
subject: Re: Monsignor William Lynn from a survivor of Childhood Sexual abuse
It is ridiculous that Protestants would understand this before the office of Your Eminence.
Next time you see the Archbishop or forward this to him ask him this and forward his answer,
Your Eminence, "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?" If there were one question I could ask his Eminence that would be it. The diocese and the world await his answer.
I will not lie down
I will not go quietly
I will not submit
I will not roll over
I will not comply
I will not sit down
I will not shut up
Pax Christi,
Fred Celio
God bless you.
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